Level III CFA<sup>®</sup> Exam

Level III CFA® Exam

More insights. Clear direction. Better results.

Over the last 30 years, we’ve mastered how candidates earn the CFA® charter and have designed a program that works. No guessing where to begin, what to study next, or how you’re progressing. Let Schweser be your guide to passing the CFA exam.

Study Materials

Study Materials

Designed for You to Pass

A personalized study program that fits your lifestyle.

No more guessing where to begin, what to study next, or how you’re progressing. Research shows it takes over 300 hours to properly prepare for the Level III CFA® exam, so you can’t afford to waste a minute.

A complete study plan.

You don’t need to spend your valuable time searching for strategies on how to study. Over the last 30 years, we’ve mastered how candidates earn the CFA charter and have designed a program that works.

You’re in control.

You set your study dates, we’ll give you the study plan. Our adaptive activity feed breaks down your 300 hours into bite-sized weekly tasks.

Don’t disrupt your daily routine.

Maintain your life and still earn the CFA charter. With an assortment of print, online, and mobile study tools, you can seamlessly fit a study session into your daily routine.

A partner you can trust.

With the largest network of CFA charterholders and content experts, you’re getting the guidance and support you need to pass.

“I would highly recommend Kaplan Schweser.”

Daniel M, Level II Candidate

"I passed my CFA Level II thanks to Kaplan Schweser."

Francois G., Passed Level II